Sunday, April 28, 2013

12 Second Commute Fire Sale

For the next 3 days only, get a suite of internet tools for a low price of $24 LIFETIME membership.  Remember, 3 days only.

This exciting suite of tools gives you the following:


         Url rotator

         Capture page creator

         Ad tracker

         Contact Manager

         Program Builder

         Video Training Program

Learn how to use these tools to grow your business and solve your problems advertising your products and services.  Take a FREE trial but remember you don’t have long to get in on the special lifetime membership price.  It’s going up May 1, 2013.

Toll-free number:  1-888-210-1575


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Declare Your Spiritual Dominion

This lesson is taken from the Daily Word for April 25, 2013.  It asks how does one gain dominion over oneself and one’s life.

         Self-mastery begins in the way one thinks and feels.  You may believe you cannot change your reactions or that you are at the mercy of some habit that does not contribute to your well-being.  But in truth, you can assert your freedom.  Step-by-step, thought by thought- change your way of thinking, feeling and responding.

         You are a spiritual being; free and unlimited by former thoughts and feelings.  Take a new look at yourself and your life and declare your spiritual dominion.

Have you heard of the book entitled “As A Man Thinketh” by James Allen?  It speaks on that subject.  In the Bible, proverbs 23:7 says “ For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.”

        So people let’s get our minds and hearts together and take control of ourselves for our own betterment.
Please leave a comment and subscribe to my blog, my you tube channel and "like" my page on facebook.  My information is below:
Toll-free number:  1-888-210-1575


Monday, April 15, 2013

Ultimate Cycler Testimony

I'm so excited!  I just received a payment from my Ultimate Cycler program.  I haven't even sponsored anyone yet and I'm already getting paid.  This program is rocking and rolling.  You really ought to join me and get paid.  Here's my video - take a look!  Click Here!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Everything Happens For A Reason


Do you believe everything happens for a reason?  I do because so many times I have wondered why this happening is or why that happening is and later on, sometimes much later I find that if this thing had not happened there would have been a much different outcome.

I think that when we make decisions they aren’t necessarily based solely on facts.  Sometimes emotions get in the way and our decision-making facilities are bruised.  Sometimes we are not thinking correctly and we make a bad decision that produces bad results.  Then we wonder what happened or why it happened.  It’s a tricky business.

I know that no one is perfect and we all make mistakes but our goal is not to repeat the mistakes we made so that we will have a better outcome.  And if we listen to our “first mind” or “Spirit voice” out outcomes will be much better.  So try to listen to the wee small voice inside yourself that says “go this way” or “go that way.”  Be obedient to Spirit.
Please subscribe to my blog, my you tube channel, and my membership site.  Also "like" my fan page on Facebook and check out my website.
Click here to share a thought. 

Toll-free number:  1-888-210-1575


Monday, April 8, 2013

Secret Cycler Program

Hi!  Daraline Witherspoon here from Network University.  I would like to share a secret with you from Secret Sarah.  She says “There is a program going around that sweeping the internet”.  It’s a program thats growing so fast people are cycling out at an alarming rate.”  She said that I should get in on the Program right away so that I could recycle quickly.  So I asked her how does this program work?  Here is what she said.

         You make one purchase for $25 ONE TIME ONLY.  When you cycle in the two by two matrix, which means refer 2 people who refer 2 people and you are cycled out.  You will receive $100 at the $25 level.  You keep recycling and upgrading until you get to the $100 level which has a payout of $400.

1. 100% Direct Member-To-Member Pay
2. No waiting to cycle to get paid
3. Mobile APPs and Internal Banner Ad system
4. No Admin Fee to start
5. Low, affordable entry
6. Get notified by email, TXT and/or
phone when you are due to be paid and cycle!
7. Affordable entry for everyone.
8. Levels $25/$50/$100/$200 & upgrade from profits.
9. Support of 14 year internet giant
10. Spillover, Follow Sponsor, Team Sales and
Vertical Acceleration all help in cycling.

11. Lead capture page, responder system included.

I could go on but you get the point.

To sign up NOW! Click here:

        For further clarification check out this video


Don’t forget to come see me again, signup for my you tube channel, my blog, and visit my website.  Also “like” my page Network Junction on Facebook.   Click on “about” or “more” for my information.  Thank You.

Daraline Witherspoon is an Internet Marketer and an MLM Motivational Mentor.  Has been involved in Internet marketing for several years.  She is also an Independent Travel Agent who travels the world looking for wonderful experiences to share.






Toll-free number:  1-888-210-1575



Friday, April 5, 2013

I Love To Share

The reason I love to share is because it makes me feel good.  It makes me feel good because I have been blessed with an overflow and an excess giving me the opportunity to share with others.

I have a friend named Cody.  He used to say “It’s a blessing to have a blessing to be a blessing.”  I always loved that saying because in it you can see how you are blessed to have more than enough.  And only when you have more than enough are you able to then share with less fortunate people, favorite charities or just other people in general.

Another reason I love sharing is because the Word says prior to any receiving there has got to be some giving.  So there you have it.

I am very excited because I have found a program that allows you to share wonderful and thoughtful videos, publications and other written materials and get paid to do it. You can share information on line in various ways. I have attached a video that describes this program.  I hope you like to share and I hope you enjoy this video. "/2Introduction/tabid/162/Default.aspx"