Saturday, May 18, 2013

I Wonder Why Peope Get Jealous

Where does jealousy in an individual come from?  I always wonder.  Why is one person jealous of another?  Is it because one person has something that is different from the other person?  Is it because one person perceives the other is leading a better life, or having a better relationship with their loved ones, or is it that one person perceives the other as being more attractive than they are?

It never ceases to amaze me how people perceive the actions of other people.  Has one ever thought that the reason one person has something different than another person is because they chose that “something”?  Just like you have the choice of choosing the things you want in your life.  Only you are responsible for obtaining those objects.  No one, other than yourself, knows what you truly want and desire in life so why should it be up to other people to fulfill your dreams.  That is not logical to me.

If one wants to have better relationships with those they love they must do something to change the relationship.  We cannot change other people.  We are the ones that must change either ourselves or our attitudes.  It may not be easy, but if we keep doing what we are doing we will keep getting what we are getting so something has to give.

If one believes that another person is more attractive than they are, whose fault is that?  I mean beauty is in the eye of the beholder and so is attractiveness.  We can make ourselves more attractive by being the kind of person people are attracted to.  Be kinder.  Be more cheerful.  Be more outgoing.  There are several things we can do to improve ourselves.  Find out what they are and practice doing them.

I used to see the most attractive men with the most (I thought) unattractive women and wondered what they had that attracted these gorgeous men.  I still don’t know but obviously it was something that the attractive man either needed or wanted and found in the woman that attracted him.

All I really know is that each and every one of us can “have what we say” and can “do what we want”.  It says that in the “Word.”  And I think that what goes around comes around.  So that if you think you can just do anything to anyone to get what you want you are sadly mistaken.  You will get caught up eventually.  And as far as I can see it’s coming back on you faster than it used to.  It used to take years for things to catch up with you, but now it only takes days.  One day you’re fine, the next you’re dead.

We must be careful of how we treat others and there is absolutely no reason you should be jealous of another person because you can have everything they have and more.
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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day To Me



I was just sitting here thinking how blessed I am that I woke up to another Mother’s Day.  I was thinking about my family and how much I love them and how they love me.  I also was thinking about how good God is to me.

I once attended a seminar about Southern France.  It was a lovely seminar that served regional wines and regional food and showed us a film on the region.  They gave us posters of the region and I took a poster of the Pont De Gard.  It reminded me of an aqueduct.  It had three layers of arcs that was a bridge across a body of water.


The Pont du Gard (English: Bridge of the Gard) is an ancient Roman aqueduct bridge that crosses the Gardon River[4] in Vers-Pont-du-Gard near Remoulins, in the Gard département of southern France. It is part of the Nîmes aqueduct, a 50 km-long (31 mi) structure built by the Romans to carry water from a spring at Uzès to the Roman colony of Nemausus (Nîmes). Because the terrain between the two points is hilly, the aqueduct – built mostly underground – took a long, winding route that crossed the gorge of the Gardon, requiring the construction of an aqueduct bridge. Built in the 1st century AD, the Pont du Gard is the highest of all Roman aqueduct bridges and is the best preserved after the Aqueduct of Segovia. It was added to UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites in 1985 because of its historical importance.

The bridge has three tiers of arches, standing 48.8 m (160 ft.) high. The whole aqueduct descends in height by only 17 m (56 ft.) over its entire length, while the bridge descends by a mere 2.5 cm (0.98 in) – a gradient of only 1 in 3,000 – which is indicative of the great precision that Roman engineers were able to achieve using only simple technology. The aqueduct formerly carried an estimated 200,000 m3 (44,000,000 imp gal) of water a day to the fountains, baths and homes of the citizens of Nîmes. It continued to be used possibly until the 6th century, with some parts used for significantly longer, but lack of maintenance after the 4th century meant that it became increasingly clogged by mineral deposits and debris that eventually choked off the flow of water.

After the collapse of the Roman Empire and the aqueduct's fall into disuse, the Pont du Gard remained largely intact due to the importance of its secondary function as a toll bridge. For centuries the local lords and bishops were responsible for its upkeep in exchange for the right to levy tolls on travellers using it to cross the river, although some of its stones were looted and serious damage was inflicted on it in the 17th century. It attracted increasing attention starting in the 18th century and became an important tourist destination. It underwent a series of renovations between the 18th and 21st centuries, commissioned by the local authorities and the French state, that culminated in 2000 with the opening of a new visitor centre and the removal of traffic and buildings from the bridge and the area immediately around it. Today it is one of France's most popular tourist attractions and has attracted the attention of a succession of literary and artistic visitors.

Anyway, this was the poster I took  I put it up on my wall and meditated about how extraordinary it would be if I could see it and feel it and just thought about it daily.  Then guess what?  About two months later I received an invitation to go to the Southern part of France for a visit.  The cost of the land package was $0.  I thought to myself “what is this?”  “Is this real or what?”  Upon further investigation I found out it was real and decided I would find a way to go.  I called and wrote everyone I knew asking for donations to help me go.  I raised over $1000 from family and friends and booked my airfare.  One of the sites we visited was the Pont de Gard. I actually have pictures standing on the wall of the Pont de Gard.

I just wanted to tell you this because we are really blessed and we really can “have what we say.”  It seemed as though I had walked into my dream.  You can too.  Whatever it is.  It’s amazing.  Be blessed and may all your dreams come true.
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Saturday, May 11, 2013

A List of Internet Marketing Forums

I'd like to share this list from Heide Holtz of Loyalte Pays

List Of Internet Marketing Forums

Posted in [* All Posts], [Best Traffic Sources], [Internet Marketing Tips] By Heide Holtz

The real benefit of participating in internet marketing forums is that you learn a lot. You never know where that next great idea will come from. I believe you learn by doing and participating not by sitting on the sidelines. There are some direct promotional benefit to participating in forums since many allow a small link to your website in the signature file. There are also sometimes good advertising opportunities on internet marketing forums if you products or services appeal to this audience. There is another benefit to participating in forums, it is fun! It can be quite addicting so watch your time! I highly suggest you visit each of the internet marketing forums below and start participating. I guarantee that if you do you will not help but become a better, smarter marketer.

The Free Ad Forum Internet Marketing Forum- Alexa 29,000. The Free Ad Forum started as a forum where you could just place your free ads at will. Now they have set up a proper classified advertising sitewhere members can place free ads in targeted categories and transformed the forum into a true internet marketing discussion forum. There is an introductions forum where you can meet other marketers from all over the world, there is an seo forum, an internet marketing product review forum, and a social media discussion forum.
The Warrior Forum-
Alexa 139. The Warrior forum is one of if not the premium internet marketing forum. It is extremely busy. It is ranked in the top 139 highest traffic websites in the world which is just insane. You can learn a lot here. The Warriors special offers area is particularly popular where you can get special internet marketing deals only available on the Warriors forum. I have picked up some good deals and good ideas here.

Digital Point Forums-Alexa 338- This is another huge webmaster, internet marketing forum which has been around forever. Weird green design. Annoying barely readable popup pitching advertising. Yet, one of the busiest, most informative and profitable forums in the internet marketing niche. The owner, Shawn Hogan, was making up to 1 million dollars a month as an Amazon affiliate. Amazon then ended up suing him.Here is Shawn's interesting explanation in his own words. I believe him.

The V7 Web Development Community - Alexa 3899. The V7 Web Development Community calls itself a "Webmaster Forum" rather than an internet marketing forum. It does cover affiliate marketing and internet marketing though. The difference here is that they get into more webmaster technical issues such as coding. Some people who are webmasters are not necessarily marketers. A repected, busy and informative forum.

WickedFire Forums
- Alexa 4391- As the name suggests this is a little tougher crowd. The focus of the forum is internet marketing, seo, affiliate marketing and webmaster topics. Sleek dark design with hardly any ads. The first forum you see is called "Shooting The ****." This popular forum is not for the faint of heart.

- Alexa 98,000 This forum has been around quite awhile and is geared towards beginners. Some of the forums discuss topics such as joint ventures, article marketing, and link swapping.

High Rankings Search Engine Optimization Forum
- Alexa 13,547. I love the design of this forum. It is very professional and easy to read. The topics focused on are heavy seo, some internet marketing, some coding, and a healthy section on just business. They have a forum on Public Relations which I think is very underused by internet marketing types. Even a guide on how to write a good press release which is very important. Other forums cover branding and sub-contracting.

Clickbank Success Forum- Alexa 79,507. Not bad! About 15,000 registered members. This forum focuses on how to promote Clickbank products. Clickbank is of course the very popular digital marketplace and affiliate network. If you are looking to learn specifically about Clickbank marketing this is the place for you.

5 Star Affiliate Marketing Forums Alexa 34,347. This forum is taking a look at the world of affiliate marketing. However, internet marketing and seo are discussed more generally as well. The have a job board for affiliate manager jobs and I saw quite a few listings. Some were very recent. If you are looking for this type of work this might be a good place to start.

Alexa 78,437. "Geek" Forums – Domains, Hosting, CPC, Marketing, Technology. By the name you would think this is a heavy tech forum. They do cover tech issues but the focus is more on marketing. Very nice design.
–Alexa 41,699. Bright green modern design. I like it. The domain name alone has to be worth some serious green on it's own. This forum proudly claims to be the number 1 affiliate hangout. I think they just might be. They have different forums for the major affiliate networks such as Commission Junction, Big Booth, Linkshare,Affiliatetraction,Shareasale, and other CPA affiliate networks. There are also forums on seo, ppc,and web design all from the perspective of an affiliate marketer. This forum has over 500,000 members! Forums
Alexa 8882. This is a serious forum. It has been around since 1999 and says it is has "tips for those interested in performance marketing." They cover how to set up a dating site, affiliate networks,Public Relations and they even have a forum for ******, bingo and gaming which seems to run over by spam adverts by the moment. Still, many forums are intact and there is quite a bit of activity here.

Site Point Forums
– Alexa 1227. Over 20,000 links pointing to this site. Site Point Forums are no joke. This is a techy forum focusing on in depth technical web design, css, flash,graphics, html as well as javascript, programming languages, web hosting, server management, php, perl and more. This is the place to ask technical questions on anything from html to advanced programming problems. Discussions
– Alexa 12,804.This is first of all a directory of affiliate programs. If you run an affiliate program you can list your affiliate program here so that people can join your affiliate program. If you are looking for affiliate programs to promote you can peruse the listed affiliate programs organized in their very professional directory. I listed my affiliate program for my classified ad submission service here and I noticed that the listing ranked quite well in the search engines and I did pick up some affiliates. They have a forum attached to the directory which discusses affiliate marketing both from the perspective of the affiliate and the affiliate manager.

I hope you enjoyed this list of internet marketing forums. I checked every link to make sure they were still live. If you have other quality internet marketing forums that I missed please join this forum and let us know all about them in a reply.

Also, please share this list on your blogs and social media. Thank you!

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Sunday, May 5, 2013

Winning The Money Game


While attending a 3-day intensive Millionaire Mind Training event sponsored by Peak Potentials featuring T. Harv Eker we learned a lot about the Mind Set.  One must have a certain goal to achieve and keep one's mind on achieving that goal.

We were given several phrases to use as mantras or mind set goals to view and repeat on a daily basis.  I would like to share those with you.  They were called Attitudes of Wealth.

The way I use them is to write them (singly) on 3 x 5 cards and tape them in obvious places such as the bathroom mirror or on the refrigerator.  I like to take one at a time and review it for 30 days.  You can do it however you like but do try to view them on a consistent basis.



By T. Harv Eker and Peak Potentials


$      I am an excellent money manager.

$      I always pay myself first.

$      I put money into my Financial Freedom Account every day.

$      My money works hard for me and makes more and more money.

$      I earn enough passive income to pay for my desired lifestyle.

$      I am financially free.  I work because I choose to, not because I have to.

$      My part-time business is managing and investing my money and creating passive income streams.
Toll-free number:  1-888-210-1575

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Winning the Mind Game

I attended a  3-day intensive training by Peak Potentials featuring T. Harv Eker and would like to share some of the phrases he gave us to help us create a success "mindset".  You can review my press release at the following link. 
Millionaire Mind-Attitudes of Wealth
Winning the “Mind” Game
By T. Harv Eker and Peak Potentials
$      I create my life.  I create the exact amount of my financial success.
$      I play the money game to win.  My intention is to create wealth and abundance.
$      I admire and model rich and successful people.
$      I believe money is important, money is freedom and money makes life more enjoyable.
$      I get rich doing what I love.
$      I deserve to be rich because I add value to other people’s lives.
$      I am a generous giver and an excellent receiver.
$      I am truly grateful for all the money I have now.
$      Lucrative opportunities always come my way.
$      My capacity to earn, hold and grow money expands day-by-day.
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