Sunday, July 21, 2013

Motivation for the Soul - Don't Worry

When I think about motivation, I want something that’s gonna last for a while.  I want to hear or see something that sticks with me – motivation for the soul.

Have you ever noticed how some people worry about everything?  They worry about what is going to happen tomorrow or how things are not going the way they want them to so they worry about how to change things.  They don’t think about changing their minds they try to change conditions when it’s quite impossible to do that most times.  But, according to my interpretation of the Bible, it is a sin to worry; but there are still Christians out there with the “worrying disease.”  Here is a quote from the Bible about worrying:

Phil. 4:6-7

Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God

And the peace of God which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

The Bible is where I get my motivation for the soul.  It is truly a guide to help us make things easier for us.

Stewing over a challenging situation can cause unnecessary worry and concern.  You can fill your mind with worst-case scenarios and “what-ifs” until you wear yourself out.  Overthinking a problem can use more energy than simply letting go and letting God.

Instead of forcing solutions, turn to God within.  Say “Thank You.”  Give thanks to the higher power at work in your life, guiding you in the right ways and helping you achieve your goals.  Trust in the Divine Wisdom to bless and guide you.  In this way you are showing the Almighty that you trust and believe in his wisdom.  Somewhere in the Word it says lean not to thine own understanding.  That’s why we don’t know why things are happening to us because our understanding is not God’s understanding.  Just like our time is not God’s time.  So we are motivated by God’s Word to be able to withstand conditions that we have no way of conquering.  There’s a saying “change your mind and you can change your conditions.”

God does not want us to worry.  What good does it do us?  None.  You just add another layer of problems onto the ones that you worry about.  You are convincing yourself that God is not wise because you have decided to solve this problem all by yourself even though you have no idea where to begin.  If you knew how to solve the problem you would.  They say if you knew better you would do better; but you don’t know better so you can’t do better.

My advice to you is to get motivation for the soul by picking up your bible and doing a little study there.  Of course, if you are not a Christian you can pick up whatever publication that motivates you into becoming less of a worry bug.  It’s very easy to fall into that pit, but you must find a way to come out of it.  If you don’t you are doomed to illness, failure, depression and a lot more stuff that’s not very good for you.
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