Sunday, December 22, 2013


I sometimes wonder to myself why I enjoy sharing so much. My family always joked with me about sharing and all of them would say the same thing. They would say “You are so kind and generous. When you have a blessing you look for people to share it with. They don’t have to come looking for you.”

They were right. For me the joy comes when I can surprise someone who is not expecting anything and to see their faces light up and the smiles they give you and the hugs you get. Wow, that just makes my day, my week, my year, my life. It is especially encouraging when it is someone you love deeply. But for me, I don’t limit my sharing to just my loved ones. I like those smiles from everyone or anyone that needs my help and I can help them.

I was born the second child (a girl) out of four children. Two boys and two girls. The amazing part about it to me is that my mother had two sets of children. My older brother and I were born two years apart and then 10 years later my younger brother and sister were born two years apart. So it’s like 1946 and 1948 and then 1956 and 1958. So I consider myself born smack dab in the middle.

I was always a child that didn’t mind sharing. I grew up going to Catholic school and learned about spiritual growth early in my life. My greatest lesson was not to judge or begrudge any person unless you’ve walked in their shoes. So sometimes when I see people on the street asking for money or food I think to myself “but for the Grace of God, there go I”. So if I have something I give it up. I remember a verse in the bible that says something like “be careful how you entertain strangers for they may be angels unaware”. And I think “that could have been and angel and look at how I’m treating them”. I don’t want that on my conscience. Besides if God gave me a blessing then I need to be a blessing to somebody – hence the saying “It is a blessing to have a blessing to be a blessing”.

I’m saying all this to say when I have something to share I try to share it. And of course, I want to share it most with the ones that I love. But when you are a “hustler” like me the ones closest to you always think you are a scatter brain and your ideas won’t work for them. But I still try to let them know first if it will help. When I say “hustler” it means a person who strives constantly to improve their lives. One who will do almost any job necessary to generate income when needed. When I was just a child of about 8 years old I had a little red wagon. I would see the boys at the grocery stores with their wagons. They would take people’s groceries home for them because in those days many people did not have cars so they had to walk. Personally, I couldn’t see why I could not do it. So I did. I used to ride the El train and sell Jet magazines to earn money when I was 9 or 10. Nothing is below me when it comes to legitimate work. I just want to make the money. And it was not because my parents didn’t give me a lot. Whatever they gave me was sufficient, but I wanted more. I mean look, there were 4 of us kids and 2 adults to feed and clothe but we had it. But I just thought why should I take away from anyone when I could go out and make money gladly. So, there it is.

I want to share an opportunity with you that I think doesn’t come around too often. For the price of a cup of coffee you can have financial freedom. I know it’s hard to believe, but if you’re willing to do a tiny amount of work by sharing this opportunity with those you care about then you can change your whole financial situation. So, I ask you to look at this program (It’s not MLM or NM) it’s just networking. Here is a video I’d like you to watch

If you like it or you think you can work it, let’s make some money. I wouldn’t tell you this if I didn’t think you could do it.

Call me ASAP @ 1-888-210-1575. Or go to my link and sign up IMMEDIATELY @

May God Richly Bless you

Daraline Witherspoon

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