Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A Salute To Firefighters

First of all I would like to praise and honor firefighters all over the world.  That is one job that I would not care to have.  Yet and still you have compassionate individuals who work hard to save our lives in a fire but lots of times these individuals are putting out fires involving property.

         This is a dangerous job.  I remember when I lived in Chicago and on the news they showed some firefighters putting the fire out in a warehouse.  They showed the firefighters on top of the roof, and all of a sudden they were stuck up there with no means of getting off the roof.  The fire was getting hotter and hotter and we were getting a blow by blow description from the media.  Then all of a sudden the unthinkable happened.  The roof caved in with the firefighters who were on the roof.  They just disappeared into the smoke and flames just like the property they were protecting.  I just burst into tears.  How could this happen like this?  Who could have done anything to save them?  I came to the conclusion that no one could have done anything to save them.  It was just their time to go.  But it hurt to see people die right in front of my eyes and I wondered what they had died for?  For some property.

         It seems to be such a thankless job.  I mean, who thanks the firemen and firewomen who save their precious homes.  What businessman gives commendations to the firefighters who helped save their precious money-making facilities?  I know it’s not a waste, but who gives them the credit that they so richly deserve?  I want to be that someone.  I want to say thank you for risking your life to save people and property and I pray every day for your safety and for your families.  I love you firefighters and God be with you every step of your way.

         Sending out a special prayer for the firefighters lost in Houston this June.
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