Saturday, May 18, 2013

I Wonder Why Peope Get Jealous

Where does jealousy in an individual come from?  I always wonder.  Why is one person jealous of another?  Is it because one person has something that is different from the other person?  Is it because one person perceives the other is leading a better life, or having a better relationship with their loved ones, or is it that one person perceives the other as being more attractive than they are?

It never ceases to amaze me how people perceive the actions of other people.  Has one ever thought that the reason one person has something different than another person is because they chose that “something”?  Just like you have the choice of choosing the things you want in your life.  Only you are responsible for obtaining those objects.  No one, other than yourself, knows what you truly want and desire in life so why should it be up to other people to fulfill your dreams.  That is not logical to me.

If one wants to have better relationships with those they love they must do something to change the relationship.  We cannot change other people.  We are the ones that must change either ourselves or our attitudes.  It may not be easy, but if we keep doing what we are doing we will keep getting what we are getting so something has to give.

If one believes that another person is more attractive than they are, whose fault is that?  I mean beauty is in the eye of the beholder and so is attractiveness.  We can make ourselves more attractive by being the kind of person people are attracted to.  Be kinder.  Be more cheerful.  Be more outgoing.  There are several things we can do to improve ourselves.  Find out what they are and practice doing them.

I used to see the most attractive men with the most (I thought) unattractive women and wondered what they had that attracted these gorgeous men.  I still don’t know but obviously it was something that the attractive man either needed or wanted and found in the woman that attracted him.

All I really know is that each and every one of us can “have what we say” and can “do what we want”.  It says that in the “Word.”  And I think that what goes around comes around.  So that if you think you can just do anything to anyone to get what you want you are sadly mistaken.  You will get caught up eventually.  And as far as I can see it’s coming back on you faster than it used to.  It used to take years for things to catch up with you, but now it only takes days.  One day you’re fine, the next you’re dead.

We must be careful of how we treat others and there is absolutely no reason you should be jealous of another person because you can have everything they have and more.
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